Master Tung’s acupuncture is a highly effective therapeutic system and well known for its exceptional efficacy. It is an original system with its own points, handed down for centuries from father to son. The use of the points is based on an original theoretical and clinical system, although in deep connection with the ancient classical texts. It is thanks to the generosity of the last descendant of the family, Master Tung Chin-Chang (pinyin Dong Jin-Chang), if the knowledge of these famous “magic” points has survived, mostly through the work of his students.
Luigi Pignatiello, Dipl. Ac., L.Ac. is a registered and licensed Acupuncturist by the Gravesham Borough Council of Kent, UK. He is a direct student of one of Tung’s students, Dr Young Wei-Chieh, considered the main authority on Tung’s acupuncture today, and was Dr. Chun Ni Yan’s primary student in London. His experience and the deep knowledge of Oriental Medicine make Luigi an effective and brilliant teacher under whose guidance one can quickly get basic operative skills in this amazing therapeutic system. Luigi maintains a clinical practice in Gravesend, Kent.